I have a slightly off topic question.<br><br>One of the test servers I use has died (symptoms below). The other <br>two I have will make do until I have this one fixed. The data on it is not<br>crucial by the way.<br><br>The server is actually an Acer quad core desktop.<br>
<br>The symptoms vary from having nothing on the monitor, to booting hanging <br>at "scanning for USB devices" (before trying to read the disk), to booting and <br>working well only to hang up suddenly after a few minutes.<br>
<br>So it could be a mother board issue, not a disk drive.<br><br>This PC is out of warranty, so sending it to Acer themselves is not <br>a viable option.<br><br>My question is can anyone recommend some competent and reputable local <br>
outfit that would troubleshoot and fix this PC at a reasonable price? <br>Knowledge of Linux may help (so that they don't mistake it for a software<br>issue), but not required.<br>-- <br>Khalid M. Baheyeldin<br><a href="http://2bits.com">2bits.com</a>, Inc.<br>
<a href="http://2bits.com">http://2bits.com</a><br>Drupal optimization, development, customization and consulting.<br>Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability. -- Edsger W.Dijkstra<br>Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. -- Leonardo da Vinci<br>