Few possibilities:<br><br>1. The word itself has a meaning in its native language, and someone is using it just for that meaning with no relation to software nor open source.<br><br>2. The word has gained enough mainstream media attention that people are using it for other products. By the way, trademark law allows that.<br>
<br>3. Same as 2, but without even knowing that other products exist.<br><br>Dennis Ritchie co-inventor of UNIX, maintains a page about other products called UNIX. <br><br>Years ago when I worked for AT&T in the Middle East, the general manager called me about a company marketing a pesticide called UNIX and after some research, I told him there is no action needed, because they are different products/markets.<br>
<br>I sent this info to Dennis <a href="http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/who/dmr/otherunix.html">http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/who/dmr/otherunix.html</a> and he quoted me on that page.<br>