[kwlug-disc] We'll ship your machine

Erik Schnetter schnetter at gmail.com
Sat Jun 15 13:16:43 EDT 2024

[Old geezer meme]

On the Atari ST (sorry, before Linux!), when programming in C, some
people used to use "puts" instead of "printf" for screen output. The
reason was that printf supports floating-point numbers, and thus using
printf would pull in a lot of libc routines for floating-point
handling that you probably didn't need. This would add many useless
kilobytes to each executable.

There is a quip that the name of the editor "Emacs" stands for "eight
megabytes and constantly swapping", because emacs was such a memory
hog. These days, emacs is the slim editor compared to many others. If
that continues to be true, in 2034, Docker and friends will have grown
to use a Terabyte when they run, and we won't care because that fits
into a small corner of our phones.


On Sat, Jun 15, 2024 at 11:08 AM Mikalai Birukou <mb at 3nsoft.com> wrote:
> Pondering on "How Docker was born" meme: It works on my machine, then
> we'll ship your machine.
> https://medium.com/nerd-for-tech/docker-in-a-nutshell-but-it-works-on-my-machine-well-then-lets-ship-your-machine-81c6df27ade5
> - virtual machines before Docker was just that
> - AppImage comes with everything in it, or mostly everything
> - Electron-based apps come with included chrome runtime
> Nowadays, before I speak of bloat, I look into mirror.
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Erik Schnetter <schnetter at gmail.com>

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