[kwlug-disc] UPS recommendations?

Ron Singh ronsingh149 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 27 10:38:08 EDT 2024

Ohh, mostly the issue of different expansion/shrink coefficients of the 2
very different materials, promoting arcing and excessive heating up under
load. Same problems arise too due to the galvanic reaction between the 2
metals with the Aluminium wire/winding corroding faster over time.

If one can limit air/moisture intrusion into the junction, issues will be
extremely slow to show up, but that is not realistic.

Years back in the late 60s to early 70s, Canadian builders used Aluminium
wiring throughout the houses, I lived in one in Waterloo and it was
pleasing(not!) to hear the barely-discernible arcing sounds coming from
light switches, dimmers and a few AC outlets.
All the outlets/switches/dimmers are made with Copper leads.
Cue a teenager(me) doing a replacement of all of them Marette wire
connectors without turning off the breakers(young and stupid..er).
I did not replace light fixtures connectors as I didn't feel comfortable
doing that sort of thing standing on a rickety chair.

As I think back, if I was in that house on Highpoint Avenue today, I would
not be able to sleep a wink.

Ron S.

Pardon my electrical ignorance here, but what's wrong with
> copper/aluminium mixing in this case?
> - Chris
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