[kwlug-disc] Fw: Backdoor found in widely used Linux utility

Mikalai Birukou mb at 3nsoft.com
Mon Apr 1 13:57:24 EDT 2024

> Here is a very readable detailed breakdown of how obfuscated shell
> scripting was used in this exploit.
> Very clever, very opaque, and effective.
> The committer of these files took a few years to lay the groundwork
> for his exploit (2021 to 2024, most likely by gaining trust first).
> One tends to think this is funded by (or will be sold to) a state
> actor or organized crime ...
> https://gynvael.coldwind.pl/?id=782

The original stylistic of build code is impenetrable. And with this code 
one is looking say, for new maintainer of the project, or new 
features/patches. C'mon.

The fight for clarity in code both in the artifact and tooling is only 
secondarily about security. Clarity is firstly about all other stuff.

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