[kwlug-disc] Good, non-Cisco OpenWRT routers

Ronald Barnes ron at ronaldbarnes.ca
Sun Sep 24 07:47:46 EDT 2023

Ron Singh wrote on 2023-09-23 22:55:

> Big-big fan of the RT-AC68U from ASUS. It's what I use at 3 locations.
> Not a new product but should be available relatively easy?
> 128M/256M flash/dram.

I've got an Asus RT-AC68R/U that I'm happy with. 256MB RAM, 64MB NVRAM, 
running FreshTomato ROM (I seem to recall that OpenWRT doesn't run on 
these due to some binary blob in the firmware?)

Frequent updates to this firmware - I see I'm a bit behind on updates.

Also, Znoteer mentioned TP-Link.

Jim Salter, formerly of ArsTechnica and currently on the 2.5Admins.com 
podcast is an accomplished sysadmin and he has recommended TP-Link 
routers frequently in the past.

He's done some interesting writing on the topic for Ars - search "router 
salter arstechnica.com" to bring up some of his projects & research.


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