[kwlug-disc] Search engine that actually searches for strings

Ronald Barnes ron at ronaldbarnes.ca
Fri Sep 22 06:13:52 EDT 2023

Paul Nijjar via kwlug-disc wrote on 2023-09-21 22:42:

>> I've experienced similar frustration, but in this case, I did a
>> search for "verbum" on the wordpress git repo, and found nothing.
>> So I'm wondering where this term came from in the first place.
>> This may give a clue why it's so hard to find.
> I am also wondering where this came from!
> The new style comment widget has a bunch of classes like this:
> <div class="verbum-form "></div> <div id="comment-form__verbum"
> class="transparent">
> As far as I can tell the old comment form did not have this string 
> "verbum" in the classes. So in this case that is what I was looking 
> for. My guess is that it is some kind of plugin, but why is it being 
> enabled by default on people's sites when they have made no 
> configuration changes?
Virtually every instance of "verbum" I find online is related to 
Catholic scripture study software.

I'd take a step back and review the installed plug-ins.

Then I'd grep the Wordpress directory and subfolders for "verbum" and 
isolate which files contain that string and poke around the file(s) found.

Basically, my suspicions are turning towards a compromised WP 
installation if it cannot be 100% ruled out that someone has installed a 
comment form unbeknownst to you.

Weren't contact forms and themes a primary target for WP compromises way 
back when?

Good luck...


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