[kwlug-disc] Hybrid meeting feedback thread

Gordon Dey gordon.dey at happydeys.ca
Tue Sep 12 19:20:47 EDT 2023

On 2023-09-12 09:18, Paul Nijjar via kwlug-disc wrote:
> If you do not feel comfortable responding in public you can email me
> directly: paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca
> People who attended in person:
> - What did you feel about the experience?

I thought it went well. Felt a lot like it used to, namely, informal, 
comfortable, interactive and thought-provoking.

> - Would you attend again? Recommend to others?

Yes, the dana porter library (dp329) location is really attractive to 
me, as I walk there. Driving is a possibility but parking is a bug-bear.

> - What can/should we improve?

The big screen was actually quite readable, even with the default 
font... and got better with bigger fonts. Maybe wireless mics for the 
presenter(s) and MC? (I know of a mixer.)

> - What made you decide to attend in-person as opposed to virtually?

There is a synergy and interactivity between people, audience and 
presenter, that just doesn't happen when watching a screen. Plus, the 
speed of non-vocal information flow is prenominal. ("Real-Time")

> - If the venue changed in some way would that change your decision? If
>    so what would need to change?

Driving/parking is a negative for me, as mentioned above. Closer := better.

> - What comments do you have about the venue itself?

Students in the back camping in the room wasn't a distraction, in fact, 
I noticed one actually started watching our presentation when it got 

There was lots of space for people, and at least 2 empty rows of desks.

The wifi was good, once we figured out the security parameters. Mostly 
didn't need it, but nice to have.

The temperature was comfortable, and the ambient noise was low. There 
were no noticeable acoustic impairments. I could both hear and 
understand the speakers and most of the audience without hearing aids.

I would like to have known it was closest to stairwell A, but the place 
isn't that big, just a little walk around.
> All people:

I am comfortable with leaving it as it is?


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