[kwlug-disc] June presentation needed

jason.eckert jason.eckert at gmail.com
Fri May 12 17:07:09 EDT 2023

I certainly don't mind at all (I present stuff for a living). I actually gave this UNIX philosophy talk before at two other non-KWLUG events and it was loads of fun.Sent from my Samsung device running Android (basically Linux in drag)
-------- Original message --------From: CrankyOldBugger <crankyoldbugger at gmail.com> Date: 2023-05-11  08:24  (GMT-05:00) To: KWLUG discussion <kwlug-disc at kwlug.org> Subject: Re: [kwlug-disc] June presentation needed While I agree that we lean on Jason too often, he always manages to give a good talk...On Thu, May 11, 2023 at 12:09 AM Paul Nijjar via kwlug-disc <kwlug-disc at kwlug.org> wrote:We are looking for a presentation for June. Ideally it would be
beginner-friendly. Jason Eckert has offerd a talk on the UNIX
philosophy, but we have been leaning on him pretty heavily, and we
need a robust collection of speakers if the LUG is going to survive. 

Does anybody have a topic they would be interested in presenting? It
does not have to be elaborate or use OBS or anything. If you have been
exploring a piece of software or just want to show us something
useful, that would be amazing.

Does anybody have some contacts they could hit up for a presentation? 

The June meeting will again be online, so prospective presenters could
be from far away. (The physical meeting space discussion is another
thing weighing heavy on me these days.)

- Paul

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