[kwlug-disc] Wi-fi questions

Khalid Baheyeldin kb at 2bits.com
Wed Feb 8 13:06:33 EST 2023

I had the same requirements a few years ago: my router is in the basement,
as close to the ceiling as can be, which works well for the 1st floor, but
weak WiFi signal in the backyard.

My solution was to run a cable from the router, and place another router on
the first floor close to the backyard windows, then set one router as a dumb

Look at the images here

Both routers run OpenWRT. The secondary router (AP really) is set up with
a few things disabled. These include:

System -> Startup: disable odhcpd
Network -> Interfaces -> LAN -> DHCP Server: check Ignore Interface

There may be a few other places that I missed ...

For Wireless, I used the same SSID names as the main router.

Connections work transparently ...
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