[kwlug-disc] OT: Computer Museum - Thursday August 10th is Hardware Day!

Paul Nijjar paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca
Mon Aug 7 00:51:04 EDT 2023

I saw this on a UW listserv, and although it is not free-software
related there is probably some overlap of interests. Lawrence says
that the event is open to the public but there may be space
limitations. The website for the project is https://computermuseum.uwaterloo.ca/


Attention all Vintage Computer enthusiasts!

On Thursday August 10th, the UW Computer Museum will be hosting a "Hardware Day" in which we will bring out a number of older computers and see which, if any, we can get running.

We will be working in DC1316 (the Computer Museum office) and DC2314 which we have booked for the day.  You are welcome to join us to help or just see what's going on!

Timing: 10am setup, 4pm tear down.

Some of the machines we're planning to work on:
- Original Macintosh Plus/SE
- Apple ][ plus
- original IBM PC/XT
- Panasonic Executive Partner
- DEC PDP 11/04
- TRS-80 Model II
- an old Pong game

We might be able to accommodate others who wish to bring in something to work on.  Contact us if you're interested in doing that.

If anyone has an old TV (preferably small!) with an RF connector that would be helpful (for the Pong game)

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