[kwlug-disc] Meeting Location Shortlist

Paul Nijjar paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca
Wed Aug 2 09:36:41 EDT 2023

At this point we have two potential meeting locations. Thanks to the
KWLUG members who offered them. I am trying to keep their identities
confidential, but they can out themselves if they wish.

Now the question is which (if either) we choose, and how we make that
decision. As a first step I am posting a writeup below, in the hopes
it will provoke some discussion and opinions. I also have
some pictures, but I have not posted them anywhere. If there are
particular things you want to see then let me know.

If you have thoughts/preferences/opinions you can post them here or
send them directly to me. In a week I will summarize what I heard.

August's meeting will be online. September is up in the air, but it is
plausible that could be the first in-person (or hybrid?) meeting. 

- Paul

KWLUG Meeting Locations

100 Garment Street

This is a community meeting room on the third floor of a condo. A
KWLUG member lives in the building and has agreed to host us each

The building is a 5-10 minute walk from Victoria and King in
Kitchener, so is close to downtown.

Capacity: 15 people comfortably, 20 at most. The space is pretty small
and there is furniture there we cannot move.

Availability: There is no formal booking system, so there is some
chance we could be displaced. However, the host thinks this is not

Reliability: We are reliant on the host to be present for every

Access: The building is wheelchair accessible. To get to the meeting
room one has to be let in the door (there is controlled access) and go
up an elevator. It is not clear whether we can put up signs on meeting
nights, but the host thinks it may be possible.

Internet: There is public wifi, and possibly a second wifi we can use for
streaming. There is no wired internet available.

Parking: Parking onsite is expensive. There is an underground parking
garage which costs $2.50 for 30 minutes, so the average KWLUG attendee
can expect to pay $12.50 per meeting. There is a small amount of
on-street parking on Oak Street, and some parking available in
downtown Kitchener.

Transit: there is an LRT station at Victoria and King St.

Streaming/Equipment: We would have to provide a projector, and
whatever equipment we want to use for streaming. The host may be able
to store some equipment at their condo, but maybe not a lot.

University of Waterloo Dana Porter Library

This is a classroom space in the Dana Porter library ("the sugar
cube") at the University of Waterloo. The specific space is LIB 329.
It is being offered by a KWLUG member who works at the university.

Capacity: 30+ people. It is a full classroom with row seating.

Availability: It should be fairly reliably available, although there
is no booking system. There are other classrooms we might be able to
use if we are displaced.

Reliability: Unclear. We are probably reliant on a UW employee to host
us. The proposing host has offered to host us, or help look for
replacements if they are unable to attend. There are a few other
people who work at UW. 

Access: The building is wheelchair accessible. There are elevators to
the space. We will probably not be able to put up signs. 

Internet: There is wifi available that requires a name and email to use.
People who are affiliated with a university can use Eduroam.
There may be some chance of getting our own SSID but this is unlikely.
Wired network for streaming might be possible, but is not arranged.

Parking: There is no free parking anywhere near UW. There are paid
parking lots for $5/evening.

Transit: there is an LRT station at the university. 

Streaming/Equipment: There is a projector with HDMI input. We would
have to provide other streaming equipment, and carry it back and forth
to meetings.

Unlikely Locations

### Community Hub at St John's the Evangelist

This is not available Monday evenings. It could be a possibility if 
we were willing to switch meeting nights.

### SDG Hub in Downtown Kitchener

This is a new space. The booking fee for the large room is $400/hour.
There is a smaller room for less, but they currently do not do evening

### Public library spaces

These may be available but not reliability. Prices vary from $50 at
some remote libraries in Kitchener (eg Forest Heights), to $150 for
two hours at the Waterloo Public Library.

### Churches, Public Schools

In addition to a booking fee we would need to purchase liability
insurance. This may be possible but it seemed frustrating the last
time we looked because we are not a registered organization.

### KWartzlab

The space is inaccessible (on the second floor) and there are no large
meeting spaces (maybe 15 people at most?). A KWartzlab member would
have to host.

Other Places to Investigate

### Workhaus or other coworking spaces

This would likely be expensive, but may be worth investigating.

### Restaurants

This is likely not reliable, and there would be an expectation that
people purchase food and drink.

### The Working Centre

The Queen St Commons building has hosted a few events since the end of
the pandemic, but Paul no longer has strong connections there. The
space is also somewhat inaccessible, although there are ramps at the

St John's Kitchen is probably out of the question. 

Events: https://feeds.off-topic.kwlug.org 
Housing: https://unionsd.coop
Blog: http://pnijjar.freeshell.org

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