[kwlug-disc] Quick survey on tmux

Khalid Baheyeldin kb at 2bits.com
Sun Sep 11 09:55:43 EDT 2022

I do the same with screen ...

I have a screen session always on my home server with connections/sessions
other servers and such.

I scripted this over a decade ago, by having a shell script called
run from .bash_profile with the following


screen -ls > $TMP

if grep -q "No Sockets" $TMP; then
  # There are no screen sessions. Create one
  echo "There are no screen sessions. Creating a new one!"
  echo -n "Hit Enter to continue ..."
  read NL

  rm -f $TMP
  screen -S main
elif grep -q "1 Socket " $TMP; then
  # There is a main session. Reattach it silently.
  echo "Reattaching to existing screen session."
  echo "Hit Enter to continue ... \c"
  read ENTER
  rm -f $TMP
  screen -d -r
  # List the sessions
  echo "You have the following screen sessions:"
  rm -f $TMP
  screen -ls

So, if a session exists, I connect to it. If no session exists, such as
when the
server is rebooted, new screens are created according to what I have in

There is no xterm if that is what you want though. These are all shell
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