[kwlug-disc] OT: Drupal 7 Migration to Backdrop CMS

Khalid Baheyeldin kb at 2bits.com
Tue Nov 22 09:23:34 EST 2022

On Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 11:31 PM Paul Nijjar via kwlug-disc <
kwlug-disc at kwlug.org> wrote:

> How long will Backdrop be supported?

It is really a fork of Drupal diverging from the enterprise mindset of
Drupal 8, which required
things like Composer, external dependencies, and basically more complexity

It has been around for 8 or so years, and the philosophy is to keep it
compatible and not
change the API drastically between versions.

It has a small active team, and they have a seat at the Drupal Security
Team (in case there
is something common discovered in either that applies to the other).

So the answer is somewhere between no one knows for sure, to pretty much as
long as
there is a community around it.
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