[kwlug-disc] DDG in the news again

Ronald Barnes ron at ronaldbarnes.ca
Fri May 27 14:57:21 EDT 2022

Paul Nijjar via kwlug-disc wrote on 2022-05-27 10:27:

>>> Somebody is tracking my click. Why is this okay in a search
>>> engine that pretends to care about my privacy?
>> Hypothetically, it would be okay because they merely track "which
>> result does a user click for query term 'X'?", which can be used to
>> improve results.
> They don't need a deceptive link for this. Any kind of web log has a 
> referrer field. They may not archive web logs but they can use that 
> information as analytics.

Isn't the referer [sic] header received by by kwlug.org, not duckduckgo.com?

> The Referer (sic) header contains the address of a request (for 
> example, the address of the previous web page from which a link to
> the currently requested page was followed



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