[kwlug-disc] have I ever told you guys that Facebook is evil?

Doug Moen doug at moens.org
Thu Jun 16 18:02:33 EDT 2022

I saw that link but it doesn't tell me much.

Bill C-27 (the Digital Charter Implementation Act, 2022) "gives Canadians more control over their personal data, imposes fines on non-compliant digital platforms and introduces new rules for the use of artificial intelligence." (cbc.ca) It "proposes to increase Canadians’ control over their personal information and how it is handled by digital platforms. Canadians could request that their information be disposed of when it is no longer needed by companies." (globalnews.ca) Sounds good.

I would be interested in reading an analysis of how the new bill changes the status quo (from the earlier law that it replaces): does it make things better or worse? Geist's link doesn't tell me that. It just compares the bill to an old dead bill that was never passed.

On Thu, Jun 16, 2022, at 5:41 PM, Mikalai Birukou via kwlug-disc wrote:
> On 2022-06-16 14:14, CrankyOldBugger wrote:
>> If you guys are interested in the two big bills that are floating around Ottawa right now, one about the internet and Cancon (I'm over-simplifying here) and the other about users' privacy, then you should follow lawyer Michael Geist (@mgeist on Twitter).  He's "the guy" when it comes to Cdn internet/privacy/etc laws.
>> (I'm on Twitter at @rjeffsmith2010 if you're interested in ho-hum stuff..)
> Comparison of original C-11 vs C-27 (from @mgeist on Twitter):
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WchEmMjWAJnjxa0X961qft1Aq-Q9cth6/view
>> On Thu, Jun 16, 2022 at 1:50 PM Doug Moen <doug at moens.org> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jun 16, 2022, at 12:15 PM, William Park via kwlug-disc wrote:
>>> > No one is gonna get fired over this.  So, don't worry about it.
>>> The Ontario Personal Health Information Protection Act
>>>   https://www.ipc.on.ca/health-individuals/file-a-health-privacy-complaint/your-health-privacy-rights-in-ontario/
>>> gives me the right to
>>>  * be informed of the reasons for the collection, use and disclosure of your personal health information
>>>  * refuse or give consent to the collection, use or disclosure of your personal health information, except in certain circumstances
>>> In the early days, patients were asked to give informed consent, consistent with the law. I would be given a form to sign that explicitly mentioned that information was being collected, and that I had right of refusal.
>>> Now, nobody is being informed of the fact of collection, or of their right of refusal. This is prima facie illegal, according to the statement of principles on the web site I liked. And people don't care that their civil rights are being slowly eroded. "Don't worry about it", as you say. This process of civil rights erosion doesn't end well, it ends up with what's going on the United States, or worse. A generation of people are growing up, under a constant stream of propaganda from the surveillance capitalists, that privacy doesn't matter, and that privacy is the enemy of "convenience". And that worries me.
>>> Like for example, we just bought a new washing machine and dryer. The top selling brand transmits everything you do to the manufacturer over the internet. For now, this is opt in, but internet surveillance already cannot be turned off for a growing number of consumer machines and appliances. We bought a less popular brand with no surveillance, because that's something that's still available.
>>> Remember that Canadian government petition circulated earlier on the mailing list, about consumer data privacy and the right to repair? I signed it.
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