[kwlug-disc] Hard Disk from UEFI mobo to BIOS mobo

Remi Gauvin remi at georgianit.com
Mon Feb 14 17:36:08 EST 2022

On 2022-02-14 4:55 p.m., Khalid Baheyeldin wrote:
> Turns out that I also needed /run to be bound from the USB drive
> to the chroot of the main disk:

Ah, yes, need for /run is a relatively new wrinkle.

I use --rbind instead of --bind, (that way, there is no need to add a
command for /dev/pts.  Add there is some kind of /sys submount for EFI
systems, if I remember correctly.

Also, if you are going the other way and doing this for an EFI system,
you need to mount the efi partition to /mnt/r/boot/efi

Thank you for turning my very rough overview into a good tututorial.

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