[kwlug-disc] Now in the market for a new search engine...

Gary Walsh gwalsh at notw.ca
Fri Apr 15 22:39:15 EDT 2022

Apr 15, 2022, 22:26 by crankyoldbugger at gmail.com:

> Just found out that DuckDuckGo is now a lapdog for the copyright industry (> https://yro.slashdot.org/story/22/04/15/2057253/duckduckgo-removes-pirate-sites-and-youtube-dl-from-its-search-results> )
> I mean, really, youtube-dl????
> So I am now in need of a new really-is-private-and-FOSS search engine.  Obviously, Google is out of the question.
> What are the cool kids using these days to protect their rights?
> Thanks!

www.qwant.com/ <https://www.qwant.com/> "The search engine that respects your privacy".
https://brave.com/search/  "Private search that puts you first, not big tech"

Gary Walsh
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