[kwlug-disc] Survey on questions for legislature/gov by openmedia

Mikalai Birukou mb at 3nsoft.com
Tue Jan 19 11:54:00 EST 2021

Let me urge you to check out the following survey by openmedia in 
context of input to government: 

What stands out to me are questions, and I assume debates in 
legislature(?) about:

  - use of "AI", or neural nets into decisions of which we have no 

  - a right to ask for human to look into your question, that has been 
decided by aforementioned "AI";

  - usage of public media to make decisions about you. Chinese social 
score system comes to mind, when it is fed by you blog posts. Today's 
Belarus comes to mind, where you loose you job, when you post something 
not to liking of government. Is there a big co lurking in Ottawa halls 
with a suggestion to use AI, fed from some social networks, mostly used 
in this hemisphere?

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