[kwlug-disc] Subset of files in a second git repo

Paul Nijjar paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca
Tue Mar 31 13:49:09 EDT 2020

I have a git repo. Let's call it main.git . It has a bunch of files,
most of which should stay private. 

I have a subset of those files that I would like to share with the
public. Is it possible/easy to set up a second git repo public.git
with the following properties: 

- Contains the files I would like to share and none of the other files
  from main.git
- "Tracks" development on main.git fairly easily (so if I make a
  change to a public file and commit it, then I can easily pull that
  change into the public repo). For this part, let's assume I can be
  disciplined enough to make distinct commits for public files.
- Has NO information in the git changesets about the private files.
- Does not require me muddling with main.git (I do not want to make a
  subproject that includes the public files and then have to worry
  about incorporating that subproject into main.git)

The fallback is that I don't bother tracking the files, and just
release a snapshot of files I manually copy out of main.git repository. 
Being able to track the files in the public repo would be nice, but I
am not willing to compromise my workflow on main.git (much) in order
to accomplish this. 

- Paul

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