[kwlug-disc] Statistical numbers, context and messaging spin

Mikalai Birukou mb at 3nsoft.com
Sat Mar 21 13:38:00 EDT 2020

Here is a video that talks about coronavirus numbers: 

We've seen statements that 2% of COVID-19 infected will die. But, this 
statistics comes from places that have used ventilators on patients. 
Without context, 2% is a bit misleading. Let's imagine that in a Spanish 
Flu difficult patients got ventilators' help to buy time for immune 
system to do its work. Would mortality rate be lower than 2%, making it 
less scary than current pandemic?

What about a different approach in messaging accents:

1) 1 in 10 will die in absence of any medical help.

2) Here are steps to ensure that people can get medical help. Flatten 
the curve by washing hands, physical distancing, etc.

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