[kwlug-disc] Weather Forecast in Ubuntu variants

Ronald Barnes ron at ronaldbarnes.ca
Sun May 14 12:20:34 EDT 2017

Khalid Baheyeldin wrote on 2017-05-14 11:12 AM:

> For more granular weather (hour by hour, including cloud cover, yes, for
> astronomy), I use this site.

I'll toss in a highly granular site: Weather Underground (Wunderground):

> https://www.wunderground.com/ca/on/kitchener/zmw:00000.83.71368

They have apps for mobile, don't know if anyone is using it as a data 
source for desktop widgets, but there's a good chance of them having a 
crowd-sourced weather station closer to you than Environment Canada's 
site at the YKF Airport.

I'm seeing about 2 dozen weather stations in KW alone!

There's a 10 day prediction, hourly, moon phases, sun rise & set, web 
cams, radar maps on top of OpenStreetMaps, lat, long, and elevation of 
station, wind, ...

I was skeptical that they would have better weather then EnvCan or NOAA, 
but seem to have far, far, *far* more weather stations provided by 
weather geeks.

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