[kwlug-disc] KWLUG is changing

B.S. bs27975.2 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 3 17:57:11 EST 2017

Nice post Paul - thank you. Different position naming might be good, though.

I can step up further, but it's not too clear to me how / where, mostly 
because the needs are somewhat black holes - granted, the nature of 
e-mail makes that a necessity. No doubt they will flesh out in time.

wwitpro seems (seemed?) to have struck a nice balance of website vs 
meeting listings. Don't see why kwlug couldn't be on meetup and refer to 
kwlug.org for 'real' content. Meetup seems 'group' cross-pollination 
likely, so there may be some benefit in that.

 > There have been a bunch of suggestions about what KWLUG "ought to" do
over the years...

I think the only way to attack your message / to-do list is in person 
via out of band meetings. Those interested can attend and things talked 
out. Note meetings is plural, inevitably.

I would be pleased to attend such on an evening(s), and would give it 
some priority over other candidate activities. Don't know how much I 
have to contribute, but then that would be the point - to collectively 
sink into the ecosystem(s), arrive at a mutual comprehension of the 
beasties, discern action steps, and parcel / time frame them out.

On 01/03/2017 12:29 AM, Paul Nijjar via kwlug-disc wrote:
> Happy GNU Year, everybody. It appears that 2017 will be a year of
> transition for KWLUG. Here are some of the upcoming changes (both
> planned and possible). Sorry it is so long...

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