[kwlug-disc] Testing a mail port

Daniel Villarreal youcanlinux at gmail.com
Wed Mar 9 10:27:24 EST 2016

Hash: SHA256

Howdy Joe,

How are they sending? Please make sure to verify that this individual
is on the correct network first. For example, if the cx is a Cogeco
customer and is trying to do Cogeco email, but say they're on the Bell
or Rogers network, I wouldn't expect that to go through.

We can go from there.
Daniel Villarreal

On 09/03/16 09:02 AM, Joe Wennechuk wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am helping a customer, the issue is they can receive mail IMAP,
> but can not send. When I call the people at the domain they say
> outgoing smtp is port 25, or 587, and incoming IMAP is 993. They
> also have POP on 110 , and Webmail on port 80, and some other
> services. I can not contact the mail server on either 25, or 587. I
> have tried to use nmap to find the open ports. When I call Bell
> they instruct me how to open a port on the router; they are not
> understanding me. I have seen Bell block port 25 before on home
> accounts but not 587. What should I use to test this? How can I
> prove it is Bell blocking it? I have been testing the listed ones
> with telnet which I think should test correctly, and all ports 
> listed by nmap respond, but 25, and 587 give no response. I have
> pasted some of my other tests below.
> nmap results.. joe at streetposts:~$ sudo nmap -Pn mail.ufn.com
> Starting Nmap 6.40 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2016-03-09 09:49 EST Nmap
> scan report for mail.ufn.com ( Host is up (0.14s
> latency). Not shown: 993 filtered ports PORT     STATE SERVICE 
> 80/tcp   open  http 110/tcp  open  pop3 143/tcp  open  imap 443/tcp
> open  https 993/tcp  open  imaps 995/tcp  open  pop3s 8008/tcp open
> http
> Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 173.40 seconds
> and telnet tests.. joe at streetposts:~$ telnet mail.ufn.com 25 Trying
> telnet: Unable to connect to remote host:
> Connection timed out
> joe at streetposts:~$ telnet mail.ufn.com 587 Trying 
> telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection timed out
> joe at streetposts:~$ telnet mail.ufn.com 80 Trying 
> Connected to mail.ufn.com. Escape character is '^]'
> joe at streetposts:~$ telnet mail.ufn.com 993 Trying 
> Connected to mail.ufn.com. Escape character is '^]'.
> joe at streetposts:~$ telnet mail.ufn.com 110 Trying 
> Connected to mail.ufn.com. Escape character is '^]'. +OK Atmail
> IMAP/POP3 server ready
> Joseph Wennechuk Phone: (226) 600-6119 
> https://www.linkedin.com/pub/joseph-wennechuk/4/b59/382
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