[kwlug-disc] Live Tweeting the meeting [was: Meeting Monday, 7pm: File Synchronization (Oct 2015)]

Bob Jonkman bjonkman at sobac.com
Sat Oct 3 21:28:29 EDT 2015

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Hey everyone: I'm not going to make it to this month's KWLUG meeting.
Anyone want the PW to @KWLUG on Twitter and the !Fediverse so you can
live Tweet and Dent everything @rarsamx has to say?

- --Bob.

Bob Jonkman <bjonkman at sobac.com>          Phone: +1-519-635-9413
Candidate  for the Green Party of Canada in  Kitchener-Conestoga
https://bobjonkmangpc.ca/       mailto:bob.jonkman at greenparty.ca
Vote for the person  who will best represent you in your riding!

On 02/10/15 08:31 PM, Paul Nijjar wrote:
> Is your life disjointed? Do things just not match up? This is a 
> fractured world, and many of us live fractured lives. It does not
> help that often our important files are tucked away in nooks and
> crannies of hard drives (and filing cabinets) all over the place.
> Once upon a time Raul Suarez was disjointed too, but now he is
> whole. He went on a quest to unify his files, exploring the
> recesses of rsync and the outlands of OwnCloud, until finally he
> discovered a solution that worked for him. This Monday he will
> share his tales of adventure and treachery with us, so that we
> might become whole as well.
> I guess there was not enough makering going on during the Maker
> Expo, so the Kitchener Public Library is hosting a "DIY Festival"
> on Saturday, October 24 from 10am-3pm. There does not appear to be
> much more information online, but there is a little on the event
> listing here: 
> http://kplca.evanced.info/signup/EventDetails.aspx?EventId=10248&lib=
>  Come to the meeting! It will be held at
> St John's Kitchen 97 Victoria Street North (at Weber) Kitchener
> There are maps and pictures at http://kwlug.org/sjk
> The meeting starts at 7pm. Setup starts at 6:30pm or so, and setup 
> helpers are greatly appreciated.
> - Paul
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