[kwlug-disc] OpenWRT presentation?

Khalid Baheyeldin kb at 2bits.com
Thu Mar 27 13:13:50 EDT 2014

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 2:31 AM, Bob Jonkman <bjonkman at sobac.com> wrote:

> My router running Tomato has been hanging and rebooting spontaneously
> for the last few months, so I've been thinking of re-flashing with
> OpenWRT.  You're just in time, Khalid!

Well, I don't know really how many talks are planned in advance. So it
could be months before I can do the OpenWRT thing.

I will wait for a representative from the shadowy cabal to contact me ...
Khalid M. Baheyeldin
2bits.com, Inc.
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