[kwlug-disc] Rogers PayGo Plans [Was: Re: Moving away from Rogers Internet]

unsolicited unsolicited at swiz.ca
Sat Jul 26 22:44:01 EDT 2014

I'm not sure I'm following all the detail bits, here, but ...

For 365 duration on Roger's PayGo, you have to use a $100 prepaid card. 
Or $10 ($20?)/month minimum rollover -> $120/yr. So I don't get the 
$45/yr Rogers you describe. And if, like me, you don't use up the $100, 
your balance just keeps growing. Ultimately you become captured because 
you don't want to lose it. So that's $8.33/month. Out of that comes 
$3/month for 30 txt outgoing (incoming free, which is why I have it) - 
which is only to say, my balance doesn't grow quite as fast as it used 
to. I don't do e-mail/data on the phone outside of wi-fi, but I do see a 
number of potential add-ons. Especially the $5/week I could use if/when 
I need it for tethering. Confirm: $0.75/month/911. Outside of a couple 
of extra-ordinary things in the last 30 days, looks like I spent $0.42 
for the month. Downside is that that means $7.92 ($8.33-$0.42) just sits 
on the balance unused / to roll over. Guess it all depends upon your usage.

- I'm also grandfathered in to $0.01/min/eve&weekends, and I try to keep 
cell calls between 8 and 8. This is what really keeps me captured.

I now see a couple of annual $85/yr ($7.08/month) plans. Including: 
"$85/year Unlimited Canadian Text Messaging plan gives you unlimited 
Canadian Text messaging. 100 anytime locals call minutes. 50 cents per 
minute for additional local anytime calls. Other services are available 
at applicable pay-per-use rates." Plus .75/month 911. So $7.83/month.

Sounds like the 7-11 version would be good if starting fresh - at least 
you really are only paying for what you actually use. Even with 3 $25 
topups you're still only matching Rogers. And if you need more, its an 
incremental more. And sounds like less of a hassle than Rogers - 
everything they do just seems to add confusion / try to steer you to the 
less than cheapest cycle.

 > Now, what to do about my $10/month VoIP?  Not cheap enough, but not
 > expensive enough for me to do something about it, as I did with TV. :-)

voip.ms. Pay As You Go. With, IIRC, $1.50/month/DID. (Inter-VoIP free.)

On 14-07-26 04:37 AM, William Park wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 03:32:32AM -0400, William Park wrote:
>> On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 09:05:40PM -0400, Brian Bentley wrote:
>>> Because I'm really cheap (for some things) I use
>>> http://www.speakout7eleven.ca/indexb.html
>>> for PAYGO and spend $25 a year.
>> I looked into that.  Their prepaid lasts you 365 days, and rates are
>> $0.25/min voice and $0.10/text.  That $25 is for talk, so it buys you
>> 100min.  911 fee is $1.25/month.  It's good plan, if you don't do much.
> Correction: 911 fee will eat up $15, leaving you only $10 for use.
> I now remember... the catch was that the minimum topup you can make is
> $25.  So, 2 topups is $50/year with $35 for use.  That will give you
> 140min or 350 texts in a year.
> Compare Rogers.  Minimum text addon is $3/month for 25 texts or $36/year
> for 300 texts.  Add $9/year 911 fee.  Total comes to $45/year.
> Conclusion:  Choose Rogers for text.  Choose 7-Eleven for voice.
> Now, what to do about my $10/month VoIP?  Not cheap enough, but not
> expensive enough for me to do something about it, as I did with TV. :-)
>> 99% of my usage is text.  They only have $15/month unlimited plan, which
>> kills any saving.
>> Compare Rogers prepaid "Talk" plan (Rogers has 3 plans).  $0.50/min and
>> $0.75/month 911 fee.  I save on the text addon, $5/month for 250 texts.
>> Payment only lasts 30 days, but the balance rolls over with automatic
>> TopUp.  So, that's my $5/month cell plan.

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