[kwlug-disc] Leaving Bell

Khalid Baheyeldin kb at 2bits.com
Mon Jul 21 15:35:42 EDT 2014

On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 3:19 PM, CrankyOldBugger <crankyoldbugger at gmail.com>

> We like the cellphone model so we wanted to unlock it and keep it with the
> next carrier (probably Koodo, as I mentioned).  It's hard to find phones
> with slide out keyboards anymore, outside of BlackBerries.

Before I moved to Android, my then current phone was a Windows CE phone
(hate the OS), with physical keyboard (really good keyboard).

So, when I tried going to Android (2010?), I was adamant on having a
keyboard as well. The second generation was out, and the original G1 with a
great slideout keyboard was underpowered and runs out of memory.

So, I opted for the 'best' phone that had a keyboard (Motorola Milestone).
That was such a disappointment of a keyboard, and the following year I
moved to a Sony Xperia X10 with touch screen, and never bothered to look
for keyboards again.

So sometimes, it is just a matter of getting over the mental barrier, and
getting used to something new. Perhaps worth a try.

> So I'm at the point now where I think I will just cancelled the account
> outright, pay whatever the early termination penalties are, take a boat to
> the middle of the Atlantic and toss the phone overboard, then go start a
> new account at another carrier, even with a less desirable phone.

Wouldn't you pay for the balance of the phone value if you cancel early?
How much is that vs. getting the cost of getting the same phone new (or

All my phones have been bought via Kijiji. Most of them locally. Rarely
from Toronto before I have a trip there. The majority of them were
unlocked. Only one needed to be unlocked (via a now defunct web site and
Paypal, so no credit card to a stranger). Take your SIM when you meet the
seller and test it on the spot to make sure it is unlocked.
Khalid M. Baheyeldin
2bits.com, Inc.
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