[kwlug-disc] Unity Issues.

Rashkae rashkae at tigershaunt.com
Tue Apr 10 16:39:03 EDT 2012

On 04/10/2012 09:08 AM, Joe Wennechuk wrote:
> I was having unity issues on a machine I'm working on. So I did an upgrade that crashed half way through. I re-did the upgrade, and reinstalled unity.. The machine now works, but X doesn't come up at bootup. tty7 seems to hang right after pulseaudio starts. I have to log into tty1 and type startx then everything works right. I reinstalled x, but I can't get it to start at boot...
Sorry I can't provide you with detailed guidance, but I wanted to derail 
the thread a bit into what I think will be a more helpful direction.

If startx works, but the GUI doesn't start on boot, then the problem is 
not likely to be drivers, kernels, memory or any of those.  The problem 
is mostly likely going to be rooted with the display manager.  (GDM2 in 
previous versions of Ubuntu, I think LightDM now.)  Try 
removing/re-installig whichever of those your system is using. (or try 
installing/using a different one.)

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