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1. Bash Redirection and Paging
Published Book page by john
[ http://kwlug.org/node/769 ]

One of the most powerful features of Bash (and Linux/Unix shells in
general) is the ability to pass data to and from files and between
commands. When passing data from files to commands or vice-versa it's
called redirection. When passing data between commands it's called
These features  by themselves don't seem so interesting but because all
the commands are designed to work with input and output, commands tend
to be simple and single purpose. This may sound backwards, but consider
that these simple commands can be strung together to create a complex
result. This is the power of Bash, all commands are building blocks.
Standard Input, Output and Error
To fully understand redirection and pipelining you have to understand
the standard input and output channels that all programs have by
default. Inside the program each channel looks and feels like a file.
When a program is created it has an input channel and without
redirection or pipelining this channel is your keyboard. The output and
error channels both are connected to your terminal emulator (i.e. your
console or your xterm window.)
These are often called STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR and in the shell are
assigned the numeric values 0, 1 and 2 respectively. Remember these
short forms, because I'll use them and remember these numbers because I
will reference them later.
Well designed programs can take their input data from STDIN and send the
modified data to STDOUT and they report any warnings or errors to
The reason for a STDERR is that it is handy to have errors not appear in
the output data. If they did the data could become corrupt. Consider a
program that converts JPEG images to BMP format. If error text appeared
in the stream the BMP file would be corrupt.
Redirection and pipelining change where the STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR go.
With redirection rather than STDIN or STDOUT (or both) coming from your
keyboard or going to your terminal (respectively) they go to a file.
With pipelining they are directed from or to another program.
Redirection uses the greater than (>)and less than (<) symbols to change
where data comes goes to or comes from. Let's look at an example.
Let's use image conversion tools in these examples. Here is a simple one
that converts a JPEG image file to a generic PNM image file:

jpegtopnm image.jpg > image.pnm

The jpegtopnm command takes a file and converts it to PNM format and
sends it to STDOUT (i.e. sends it to the screen). If we didn't redirect
the output we would see binary data on the screen and it would likely
put the terminal emulator in a weird state. In the above command we see
the > symbol and it "points" to the image.pnm file. This command creates
or overwrites the image.pnm file.
If an error were to occur it would display on the screen. Note that the
simple > only redirects STDOUT to a file, not STDERR.
Rather than replace a file we can append to a file using the (>>)

ls -l >> list.txt

The above creates the list.txt file if it doesn't exist. If the file
does exist the output of ls -l is appended to the file.
Most commands take file names as input so there isn't as much reason to
use the < redirection. But we will show how it works using the same
command. This time we will redirect input and output:

jpegtopnm < image.jpg > image.pnm

The order isn't important we could have easily written jpegtopnm >
image.pnm < image.jpg. Both commands take input from image.jpg and put
the result in image.pnm.
We can also redirect error messages. To do this we need to use a
modified > symbol, we prefix the symbol with the number of the STDERR
channel, if you recall from above, it's 2. So the symbol we use is 2>.

pegtopnm image.jpb > image.pnm 2> errors.txt

This way you can store the errors in a file so that you can reference it
later. Perhaps you're Googling to find out why the error is happening.
Perhaps you want both the STDERR and STDOUT to go to the same place. We
can do that to. Sometimes we don't want to see any output. This is often
done in scripts to hide odd looking errors from users.

wget -O - http://drupal.com/cron.php > /dev/null 2>&1

Above we are using the wget command to poll a server but we don't want
to create a file or show error messages. We use the > to direct STDERR
to /dev/null. By redirecting to /dev/null the output is discarded. The
symbol 2> redirects STDERR and the symbol &1 indicates to redirect to
STDOUT. The &1 needs to follow the > without a space.
The order of these are important. Redirection operations are sequential
from left to right. So first STDOUT is redirected to /dev/null, then
STDERR is directed to the same output at STDOUT, which has already been
redirected to /dev/null. So both go to /dev/null.
If we had specified this in reverse order (i.e. 2>&1 > /dev/null) then
STDERR would be redirected to the same as STDOUT (the screen) and then
STDOUT is redirected to /dev/null. The result is that STDERR goes to the
Another way to use redirection is to write errors to STDERR. This is
common if you write shell scripts. To send output to the screen we
commonly use echo:

echo "Danger Will Robinson, Danger!" >&2

That echo sends the error message to STDERR. This way the users of the
script can expect its output to be consistent with standard Linux
Special Files
When you use certain file names Bash works differently than expected.
There are several that are special, but the most interesting ones are
/dev/tcp/host/port and /dev/udp/host/port. These files don't actually
exist, bash creates sockets to the host using the specified port.
To really make network sockets work they need to be bidirectional. You
send a request and receive a response. That's not simple to do with one
single command, that's not how most Linux commands work. To make this
work bidirectionally we use an interesting trick. We use the exec

exec 3 /dev/tcp/www.google.com/80
echo -e "GET / HTTP/1.1\n\n" >&3
cat &1 | less

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