[kwlug-announce] Meeting Monday: CiviCRM, Origin Stories (Jan 2023)

Paul Nijjar paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca
Fri Jan 6 22:06:23 EST 2023

Welcome to 2023! Have you given up on your New Year's Resolutions yet?
Maybe you have space for a few more? How about improving some
relationships? Some of us maintain relationships via phatic speech and
expressing feelings and other such inscrutable behaviours, and some of us
maintain relationships via software. 

In our first presentation of the year, Ian Kelly from Peaceworks will
tell us about CiviCRM, an open source Customer Relationship Management
web application that interacts with content management systems such as
Drupal and Wordpress. CiviCRM is oriented towards helping nonprofits
and advocacy groups keep track of their relationships and actions. 

Perhaps you have resolved to learn more about your friends and
neighbours? If your neighbours are "people who also use open source"
then our second set of presentations is for you. Five KWLUG members
(Jason Eckert, Jason Paul, Brent Clements, Aaron Sohl and Supreme
Leader Andrew Cant) will tell us a little about how they got into open
source, and where it has led them. (Thanks to the KWJavaScript group
for this inspiration -- they had a similar set of short talks and it
was amazing. Whether you are new to FLOSS or have used it for decades,
you may well find community and inspiration in these talks. 

For those of you who are into phatic speech and expressing feelings,
and are feeling comfortable with in-person meetups, and also like
restaurants: a group of KWLUGgers has decided that they want to try
in-person restaurant meetings again, similar to the post-meeting
gatherings in the before times. They held a successful event in
December, and are going to have another a week after our virtual
meeting: on Monday, Jan 16 at McCabe's Kitchener. They request that
you email an RSVP to attend (dinner at kwlug.org) but even if you make a
last-minute decision to show up you should be okay. Find details at 
https://kwlug.org/node/1312 .

Maybe your New Year's Resolution is to share your passions with
others? If so you should present for KWLUG! We are looking for a
speaker in February, and then speakers for April and beyond. Get in
touch with me (paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca) if you are interested or have

That's it for me. Our meeting will once again be virtual:


It will start at 7pm, and the virtual doors will open around 6:45pm or

- Paul
Events: https://feeds.off-topic.kwlug.org 
Housing: https://unionsd.coop
Blog: http://pnijjar.freeshell.org

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