[kwlug-announce] Meeting Monday: MuseScore, Containerization (Sep 2021)

Paul Nijjar paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca
Sat Sep 11 13:18:47 EDT 2021

Is it time to make your own kind of music? Sing your own special song?
Keep yourself aurally distracted so this federal election doesn't make
you crazy? Boy do I have the KWLUG meeting for you. This month
Michael Hitchens will tell us about MuseScore, an open-source program
that allows you to annotate music. His presentation on LMMS a few
months ago was excellent and interactive even for those of us who
don't compose music, so this is a talk to look forward to.

Maybe you want more than a song? Maybe you want an orchestra? Or at
least some orchestration? The world of containers and containerization
is super-hot in the DevOps/SRE world, but there is a lot of terminology
swarming around and it can be tough to understand all the different
platforms (Docker! Kubernetes! Rancher!), why they exist, and what you
would use them for. During our second presentation Jason will give an
overview of the principles behind containerization/orchestration/etc,
and a timeline of how we have gotten to this dystopian present, so
that we can figure out what to learn next. 

As always, we are on the lookout for presentations. We have a couple
lined up for November (phew!) but are on the lookout for some October
talks. Do you have something to show us? Get in touch?

For the time being, our meetings are still virtual. Go to 


to join the meeting. There will be no passcode.

- Paul
Events: https://feeds.off-topic.kwlug.org 
Housing: https://unionsd.coop
Blog: http://pnijjar.freeshell.org

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